The Innovethic Think Tank conducts action-oriented research and dialogue around ethical challenges of technological innovations, with the aim of proposing relevant new principles, strategies, and solutions.

Striving to create more sustainable, secure and equal societies by foreseeing the future paths of technological innovation.

Our actions focus on supporting the positive growth of industries and individual businesses that strive for the same goal.

We believe in responsible innovation

The Innovethic Think Tank aims to set ethical standards for the digital transformation of societies and the sustainable development of new technologies – we facilitate the change by helping businesses and the public sector clarify their common vision for the future.


We bring together like-minded businesses, institutions and individuals, who understand the importance of ethical decision-making in innovation.

Join and be at the forefront of change.



We analyze, give advice, connect & educate.

Striving to create more sustainable, secure and equal societies by foreseeing the future paths of technological innovation.
Our actions focus on supporting the positive growth of industries and individual businesses that strive for the same goal.

Research & Analysis

Facilitate the process

We’re helping humanize innovation at a global scale

Providing principles and guidelines for a truly ethical development of innovative businesses and institutions that share our values.