The Innovethic Think Tank conducts action-oriented research and dialogue around ethical challenges of technological innovations, with the aim of proposing relevant new principles, strategies, and solutions.

Striving to create more sustainable, secure and equal societies by foreseeing the future paths of technological innovation.

Our actions focus on supporting the positive growth of industries and individual businesses that strive for the same goal.

create positive impact

Join the community of like-minded leaders who understand the urgency of ethical control of technology development. The Innovethic Network creates a platform of dialogue around proposing relevant new principles, strategies, and solutions.

We support ngo’s, startups and academic institutions by offering free memberships, after previous evaluation. If you are a representative of such an organization, please contact us directly via



The Innovethic Network is a community of various enterprises, businesses, startups, agencies, NGOs, educational & academic institutions, as well as individuals from across the globe.

Access the community of liked-minded leaders

Raise your profile & publish impactful materials

Create initiatives through new partnerships

Join and speak during open & invite-only events

Show your credentials on your own channels

Inspire the future together

NGOs & educational institutions are offered FREE membership after previous evaluation.


Share your expertise various publications & distribution channels

Talk about topics that matter during networking meetings & annual events

Impact proposed policies & recommendations

Startups operating below 2 years & with a turnover below 1mln € are offered FREE membership after previous evaluation.


Build a network by joining a community of forward-thinking innovators, business representatives and policy stakeholders

Raise your profile & share your credentials using new channels

Present your initiatives during networking meetings & annual events

Individuals joining as experts can be offered FREE membership after a previous evaluation.


Share your expertise and impact various publications

Build your network during various meetings & annual events

Be at the forefront of change representing your industry

We offer paid membership for businesses, agencies, brands, and enterprises with a turnover below 20mln €.

1500€ per year / annually

Create strategic partnerships & projects in your area of interest

Join speaking opportunities during networking meetings, awards & annual events

Show your profile & credentials via various channels

We offer paid membership for enterprises with a turnover of over 20mln €.

4500€ per year / annually

Join working groups & councils in your area of interest or industry

Join speaking opportunities during networking meetings & annual events, as well as awards juries

Use your influence & position to create a positive impact on the future created today


Write to us

Write to us to learn more, and consult about the possibilities of free membership & discounts, as well as other questions you may have related to memberships.